She has reported on wide-ranging medical topics affecting both men and women, and has traveled the world extensively, reporting from many of the world's most-troubled areas.
Then the conversation on wide-ranging topics would either continue or Mike and Sharon would retreat to their own room and renew their acquaintance.
As someone who racks up a few miles himself each year, I welcomed Mr. Greenberg's insights on the wide-ranging topic of domestic and international hotels.
He is an information hound, craving knowledge of everything from public opinion of himself to the game on the field to, apparently, wide-ranging topics off the field.
Ian RANKIN likes to work with "big picture" stories, taking a wide-ranging topic and honing it to play out on the streets of Edinburgh.
In the past 38 years of its existence, the Institute has completed studies on wide-ranging topics in social sciences.
Despite his extensive knowledge of wide-ranging topics, incisive analytical ability, sharp intellect and brilliant writing skills, he never wrote on subjects other than in the spiritual domain.
Mr. Pedersen also took time to discourse upon such wide-ranging topics as: * Today's Greatest Challenge to Science: "The most destructive force on earth is man himself.
This is a wide-ranging topic and for that reason I can dwell only on a couple of crucial points.