Wandering the halls of the Hall of Fame triggers constant questions as wide-eyed youngsters ogle the artifacts and engage their elders in lively debate.
Kokhava Harari was the pragmatic Old Lady, with Tsafnat Shar'abi as the avid, wide-eyed youngster.
At a community center on the site, older people tell stories to wide-eyed youngsters, teach them to play checkers and help them with homework or a problem with their siblings or parents.
And that," Moset finished, as if he had just told an exciting story to a group of wide-eyed youngsters, "was why he was condemned to be locked into Solid form.
This year, there is a muscular 6-foot-8 player named Marcus White, who likes to stagger his opponents with monster dunks, and an assortment of other wide-eyed youngsters with hoop dreams.
Els, for as accomplished a player as he is, still calls to mind a wide-eyed youngster.
A dozen wide-eyed youngsters were packed shoulder tight on makeshift seats of logs and stones, huddled expectantly in the dying firelight.
As the pages filed out, to be replaced by wide-eyed youngsters in trainee-Grays, Selenay rose to address her Council.
She saw an old woman, an elderly and distant cousin, in worn shoes and mended stockings, spinning a story for a group of wide-eyed youngsters while she knitted a sweater.
By now he had an audience of wide-eyed youngsters, ranging in age from child to young adult.