He is a wide-eyed tourist here, with a wife and two daughters in Moscow waiting anxiously to join him in New York, his kind of town.
For streams of wide-eyed tourists, Russell Smith was their friendly point of entry into city life.
Now it was the hot new destination for rock stars, actors, and wide-eyed tourists hoping to be considered hip.
The police will keep self-appointed guides from hassling wide-eyed tourists.
He will miss telling wide-eyed tourists that Derek Jeter has an extra locker in the clubhouse for his fan mail.
Completing the street carnival every Sunday were wide-eyed tourists, some from other parts of the city and others from as far away as Wisconsin.
But what about the historical novelist, the wide-eyed tourist of the past?
Pickpockets working alone look for people who are naturally distracted, like wide-eyed tourists and overloaded holiday shoppers.
Cool colors, beautiful people, wide-eyed tourists, excited young girls, groups of shoppers crowding at tables to experience the old tradition of tea at The Plaza.
The documentary shows Dion as goofy jokester, a doting mother, a tender wife, a wide-eyed tourist, a devoted daughter and more.