She snapped a finger under a wide, neon-pink suspender.
He shoved his thumbs beneath the wide, red suspenders attached to his trousers.
He was maybe sixty-eight, sixty-nine, in there, a short stout man with a drunkard's nose and wide suspenders to match it.
His black-skinned companion wore wide suspenders that looked like they were made from raw meat.
For his portrait on the cover of Fortune last fall he wore wide suspenders, whimsically embellished with playing-card royalty.
Firefighter Simoncini asked, hooking his thumbs through the wide suspenders that hold up the heavy trousers of turnout gear, and flexing his biceps.
Naturally there's also a gift shop where you can buy wide suspenders, red plaid woolies, frilly underwear and other lumberjack-themed necessities.
Today she wore sneakers, tight jeans, and wide red suspenders over a longsleeved white shirt.
He wore wide suspenders.
But I knew the answer already: I thought of Mircea and the man with the wide suspenders.