He dashed through the gap and saw a wide muddy ditch open before him.
It was surrounded by a ditch 33 feet wide with a depth of twenty feet.
"I mean will it do ten miles an hour, and straddle over a wider ditch than twelve feet?"
A wide ditch and an earth embankment surrounded the fort on all sides.
This was presumably one of several added in the fourth century, perhaps contemporary with a new wide ditch outside its predecessor.
The site is irregularly shaped with a wide ditch on the north and west sides.
The large motte is surrounded by a wide ditch.
It is surrounded by a dry ditch 45 feet wide and 5 feet deep.
Instead, they found the next best thing: evidence of a wide ditch cut into the bedrock, almost certainly an obstacle against invaders.
It is at the head of a valley opening south to the sea, surrounded by a ditch over 8m wide and at present 1.8m deep.