(Recommendation 8.20) Pooling demand among institutions can provide more access to a wider constituency at lower prices.
The older organic links between the council, the Labour Party and the trade unions have been replaced by a much wider constituency and coalition.
Space plays a vital role in contemporary social, economic and strategic arenas, benefiting a wide constituency of public and private interests.
He mobilized a wide new constituency and has won his place in the Atlanta sun.
It is a far wider constituency than in the post-war era, the result of education, of radio and television.
Chess Scotland therefore serves a very wide constituency from school children to International Grandmasters.
The closeness of the vote should not disguise the wide constituency enjoyed by Lapasset.
Mrs. Clinton's aides say her decisions are not part of any calculated effort to win over a wider constituency outside New York.
Opposition to the project was fierce for that reason, but the benefits of the dam served a wide constituency and construction was not prevented.
Girls High, like Western, serves a wide constituency, drawing from economically and racially diverse neighborhoods throughout the city.