The result is big, wide concourses and lots more space for restaurants and bars.
They paused before the largest of the buildings and Saa motioned them to enter the wide concourse that led to its interior.
A wide concourse runs around the top of the seating area, with concession stands, restrooms, and a gift shop.
On the tenth floor is a wide concourse with supermarket, shops and gymnasium and a swimming pool.
The plan also calls for wider concourses and improved concession stands and bathrooms.
We come to the wide pedestrian concourse of Ferhadija Street, crowded with afternoon strollers.
Behind these seats are wide, clean concourses at several levels allowing easy access to concession stands and lavatories.
A 30 foot wide open concrete concourse wraps around the ballpark giving fans the opportunity to see the game from any vantage point in the stadium.
The ticket wickets of the three lines converge on one wide underground concourse.
After the explosion, bleeding patrons rushed out onto the wide concourse outside the club.