American commanders appeared to have deferred a decision to mount all-out assaults while weighing the consequences for their wider aim of bringing stability to Iraq.
I don't subscribe to the idea that teaching Python to 9-year-olds is necessarily a great idea, unless it meets some wider aim.
The wider aim, however, is to provide an opportunity for its members to gain better skills in all forms of communication including, reading, writing and general conversational skills.
A wider aim was also to allow society to more widely understand the concept of 'giftedness' and encourage more research in this area.
This was disastrous for the wider aims of the Confederacy, as it coincided with the outbreak of the second civil war in England.
Its wider aim is to establish a single, Islamic state within the whole of pre-1948 Palestine.
It concluded that those already supporting the wider aims of al-Qaida continued to do so, but "those with reservations retain their focus on Libya".
The competent, professional teacher, keen on his job, but with no wider political aims.
The wider aim, therefore, is to align the measures financed by these two instruments with interventions carried out in the region under EU cohesion policy.
The European Neighbourhood Policy is part of a wider aim to promote peace, stability and economic prosperity.