Stan Keeler told a string of wicked Polish jokes and Rosemary laughed out loud at them.
John regaled him with an amusing account of the Christmas festivities at Inveraray and emphasized how much they had all missed his wicked practical jokes and depraved humor.
Fortunately, Robin Williams lurks behind that latex face mask, ready to scatter wicked jokes and brilliant non sequiturs about whatever crosses his mind.
I've got a wicked joke.
They spoke about it, laughed at it, winked at it the way people do when they share a wicked joke.
Because like Tosh to Toss is only one letter change to turn it into a wicked joke you see, girl?
It was considerate of Jack to visit his ailing father so often, to talk with him, play cards, and perhaps laugh over wicked, manly jokes.
And had she worn plaid kilts and told wicked jokes and stolen candy to hide under her pillow and been quick at checkers or Monopoly?
A very wicked joke to play, sir,' he said at last, in a shocked tone.