Greenslade said he believed that the Trust had "got this wholly wrong."
I'm fairly sure he thought it wholly wrong and, therefore, it would have been instructive to hear why.
Gandhi's attitude to war is unequivocal; he considers it to be wholly wrong.
(Academics think the criticism the most important part of the whole process, in which they are wholly wrong.)
It might be that neither he nor the undine were wholly wrong.
It would be wholly wrong of me to remove you from your rightful kingdom!
After what she had been through, it was wholly wrong for a man to react to her in this way.
It would be wholly wrong to respond to the present crisis with any action that inhibits a free and vigorous press.
And perhaps their position is, indeed, not wholly wrong?
I was wholly wrong to try and achieve a physical life extension, when corporeal life is but the start of existence.