No one is wholly immune to space sickness, however experienced he may be, if the circumstances are right.
No ministry, no minister is wholly immune from their pressure.
Rudyard Kipling was a more sophisticated and less sentimental writer than Grahame or Barrie; but he was not wholly immune from similar influences.
The building, designed by the Jerde Partnership of Los Angeles, is not wholly immune to Las Vegas-style flamboyance.
Even so, many of the enemy proved partially or wholly immune, and not all of ours escaped infection.
"I suppose none of us are wholly immune to mob hero-worship," Carlin thought wearily.
The judge who is wholly immune from the influence of personal beliefs and experience does not breathe, nor should we want such a person to sit in judgment of us.
There are important Republicans who do maintain, however, that she is not wholly immune to pressure from the White House.
No system in the world can be wholly immune to bad weather conditions, but there are always lessons to be learnt.
United States property is wholly immune to state taxation, as are government activities and institutions.