One of three wholly fictional characters in the book (the others being Badia and Konon).
Mr. Bram, who has written four other novels, uses more real people than wholly fictional characters here.
A wholly fictional MacNeill performs trepanation on an accident victim and studies trachoma in the local population.
Of course this is a wholly fictional land, too absurd to resemble any in the real family of nations.
A haibun may record a scene, or a special moment, in a highly descriptive and objective manner or may occupy a wholly fictional or dream-like space.
I should also emphasize that the characters are all wholly fictional creatures, though many of you will recognize certain historical parallels and mysteries around which the plot is based.
Historical research has not identified any biographical details of a real Nicolas Chauvin, leading to the claim that he may have been a wholly fictional figure.
"The people are wholly fictional," Mr. Ehrlichman writes in an author's note.
The romances added wholly fictional and fantastical elements to the historical accounts and these were repeated in popular plays and operas.
It's a wholly fictional episode that seems both excessive and silly.