Recognising that the apparently low incidence of the sudden infant death syndrome was difficult to explain wholly in terms of currently recognised risk factors, we sought to identify other differences in infant care practices that may contribute to the lower incidence of such deaths in Bangladeshi babies.
I cannot yet wholly explain the neglect to which I refer.
Loss aversion, therefore, cannot wholly explain the status quo bias, with other potential causes including regret avoidance, transaction costs and psychological commitment.
But Stanley Baldwin was sent to Hawtrey's, near Slough, which was almost exclusively an Eton preparatory school, although there followed a not wholly explained change of plan and he went to Harrow in 1881.
These experiences do not, of course, wholly explain modern union behaviour or remove from unions much of the responsibility for changing matters.
Then, for reasons he can't wholly explain beyond pure desperation, a month after his Valentine "date" - "We never actually went out, just walked around school together" - in the midst of math class, he told a female friend.
And if one looks at the geographical distribution of heresy it is clear that urban growth does not wholly explain the incidence of heresy.
This may well explain the dialect spoken only in San Fratello, but it does not wholly explain the diffusion of many Provençal words into the Sicilian language.
But hard-headed calculations in both Washington and London in response to the grim realities of power politics do not wholly explain the remarkable Anglo-American relationship which developed from 1941.
Immigration officials acknowledged that computer startup glitches did not wholly explain the troubles.