I Map Sells organic produce and wholesome snacks.
I cured myself of the worst aspects of this behavior by abandoning all diets and instead eating three square meals a day, with wholesome snacks and the daily "no-no."
They had discovered by experimentation that no drug, alcohol included, had any effect within the fish, so the boys had gravitated to the more wholesome snacks that the girls preferred.
With my then-limited knowledge of nutrition, I created an eating program for myself: three substantial meals a day with a wholesome snack between meals if I was hungry.
It was a good thing no one had attempted to assault her on her evening ramblings, or they would have ended up a tasty, wholesome snack before she'd been able to stop herself.
If you want to encourage wholesome snacks, don't sit down to a bag of chips and dip, munch on cookies or assuage your sweet cravings with candy.
Eat meals on time, with wholesome snacks in between if you get hungry.
The remaining 25 percent of calories could be consumed as wholesome between-meal snacks, since frequent small meals are less likely to result in deposits of fat than one or two large meals.
Teddy Grahams are described by their manufacturer, RJR Nabisco, as "a delicious yet wholesome snack because they're made with graham flour and other wholesome ingredients."
A wholesome snack they'll go for.