"Maybe you have to see the whole oeuvre," Ms. Graf suggested, looking around, admiring thought and craft process.
Barnes is a fine author, who probably was honoured for his whole oeuvre, rather than for this book.
More important than the concrete evaluation of his music notations is Wölfli's concept of viewing and designing his whole oeuvre as a big musical composition.
The basic element underlying his compositions and his whole oeuvre is rhythm.
This is why reviewing is not properly speaking criticism, though it calls for critical qualities, and an extended review-article, looking at a whole oeuvre, may well be.
This has greatly impeded a more general appreciation of Bellotto's whole oeuvre.
It is Velázquez's best-known work, a symbol of his whole oeuvre, and has gradually come to be recognised as a masterpiece of Spanish art.
It is an elemental notion, but it gives a clue to Mr. Ros's whole oeuvre.
Lud-in-the-Mists unconventional elements, equally responsible for its appeal to the fantasy readership and distinction within the genre, are better-understood if they are taken in the context of her whole oeuvre.
Her novels may be uniformly spare, but they're hardly tight; each one seems as weirdly elastic as the whole slippery oeuvre.