Each one will bring up about forty-five pounds of whole lobster a day.
Another unwieldy portion was the whole lobster prepared in any of three ways.
After that he was more himself again, and he kept his word and ate a whole lobster for his tea.
One nearby solo diner seemed happy with the view, a whole steamed lobster and a bottle of beer.
Place the shells from the whole lobster in a large pot.
One Saturday we ordered a whole lobster, and at first we were told the restaurant didn't have any lobster that night.
And maybe this is just a trick of the light, but I've eaten almost the whole lobster before I notice the heart beat.
"We have that whole lobster and lighthouse thing going, so I guess it's not people's perception of the state."
"A guy who's going to get on a plane doesn't want to mess with a whole lobster," he said.
He even serves up a whole lobster.