Michael says "life experience has given me a whole gallery of characters."
They had just risen and were turning to the right, when a gleam caught their eyes, and made them look along the whole gallery.
You've outlived a whole gallery of noted critical voices that were once your colleagues.
Drawings are nearly absent, but there should be whole galleries devoted to them.
There is by now a whole gallery of such images, many of them reproduced to illustrate conspiracy narratives.
When the whole gallery is filled right up, then we blow the main charges by electric detonators.
And if you'd believe me, that man was sitting with a whole gallery of etchings spread out before him.
Bring the two together - the art and the failure - and you end up with a whole gallery that's become a bin.
These prints are not just made, they're built and their ambition might be an auspicious symbol for the whole gallery.
It occupies a whole gallery now, as it should.