He worked with ease and concentration, taking off very little hair, but somehow making the whole of it fall together in tidy layers.
The whole of London had fallen silent.
There was a pause, then the whole of the meat jungle fell back perceptibly.
The whole of the trade on your terms would fall far below - a tenth share on mine.
The whole of the estate falls within the SR5 postal code.
Years passed, and the whole of the Ravenshorn fell under the sway of the Mwellrets.
As 31 January 1942 approached, the whole of Malaya had fallen into Japanese hands.
According to the plan, the whole of South Korea would fall within a week, he said.
On the amen the whole of the remnant fell to its knees, praying and thanking God.
And yet if any part of it be true, the whole of Becker's explanation falls to the ground.