And, to speak truly, every mule stumbled over the two, and the whole cavalcade was piled up in a heap.
I was indeed left alone to observe it, for our whole cavalcade had dispersed in pursuit, or at least to see the event of the search.
I ended up at a little finger of land jutting into the lake, pinnacled by the Miller Bell Tower, which plays a whole cavalcade of hymns, including "Onward Christian Soldiers," every morning.
Hywel continued with his interrogation as they took to their saddles and the whole cavalcade started out.
Now that we are so close and a visit does not mean a whole cavalcade and elaborate arrangements, it would be delightful to see more of the boy.
Nobody's going to try to get in the way of the Rom baro if they see a whole cavalcade of Rom vehicles.
"We have this whole crazy cavalcade of clowns who are all in third grade having to take the standardized test for promotion," Ms. Miller said.
Thus adjured, the King set spurs to his horse, and the whole cavalcade cantered over the heath in the direction which Chandos showed.
A whole cavalcade was coming from behind, but Chance was outdistancing them.
The coachman reined in his four black steeds, and the whole cavalcade came to a pause in front of the contorted iron balustrade that fenced the Province House from the public street.