The coloration varies considerably, but a lateral black band, edged above and below with a whitish streak, is constant.
Adults have a yellow ground colour with dusky-outlined whitish streaks.
Adults are ochreous with several whitish streaks on the forewing and distinctively thickened bases to the antennae.
The forewings are brown or grey, often tinged with red or blue and marked with a whitish streak at the front part.
The fragment adjusted to the rear margin is dark grey with a narrow whitish streak at the dorsum.
Those whitish streaks weren't fog; they were choppy waves.
The ground colour is interrupted by whitish streaks along the veins inside the whitish line.
The forewings are hyaline with black veins and margins and slight whitish streaks on and below the costa.
When two saucers drew away from one another, a whitish streak, like an electric arc, was produced between them.
Hind wing with diffuse whitish streaks that extend up to the base of the wing.