Within seconds, the tunnel seemed to brighten slightly; the Captain looked down and saw the distant, white-hot glow of superheated plasma.
The angry bolt lit up the rusty metal figure with a rapid, white-hot glow.
Krii pressed the stud and the Mole was enveloped in a white-hot glow which quickly turned pale blue and then vanished.
The cross flared to life, not the white-hot glow it had had in the Jeep, but bright enough.
This heat is what gives Gamma Aquarii the white-hot glow of an A-type star.
Its white-hot glow illuminated his shocked expression, and she, too, could feel the sizzling heat on her face.
He was using his leather jacket to shield his face from the white-hot glow of the two uniforms' crosses.
In a scene aptly entitled "The Glare," three actors are struck still by a white-hot glow, as if stunned by a nuclear explosion.
In front of them, the relay station flashed brightly and then ruptured outward with a white-hot glow.
The outer atmosphere is radiating energy into space at an effective temperature of 7,906 K, which gives it the white-hot glow of an A-type star.