She looked at Lena, not the photograph, hatred glowing like white-hot coals.
She could feel the heat emanating as if from a white-hot coal.
He nodded as he banked the white-hot coals together with his sword.
The pain of her magic seared into him like white-hot coals thrown on bare flesh.
Yet she could not escape the pain that burned like white-hot coals in her heart.
The fire must be large and hot with white-hot coals.
Her eyes are burning now, two pieces of white-hot coal.
It spread to his belly, where it smoldered like white-hot coals.
Pain like white-hot coals seared through him, spoiled his aim and sent the single bullet whining into space.
He left a thermite canister behind him in the office then cleared the club before it started spewing white-hot coals.