In fact, by the 1950s, there was enough prosperity and white-collar work that many began to move to the suburbs.
The growth of what is usually called the middle class has largely been the result of the increasing amount of white-collar work.
Although primarily concerned with routine white-collar work, Braverman does believe that some professional jobs have also become deskilled.
In the 1990's, perhaps more than at any other time in its history, Wall Street work means white-collar work.
The new rule: Ordinary white-collar work in a household is not covered, but hazardous manufacturing work there is.
The world of white-collar work became less certain, but it also became more interesting.
His craft was writing bets on horses and paying off the winning tickets: white-collar work behind the counter, he was quick to say.
The movement could have a sweeping effect on how and where white-collar work is done in the future.
To date, there has been no social or political resistance to the globalization of white-collar work, perhaps because the trend is still in its infancy.
They are (or were) middle-class and educated, and they expect white-collar work.