And the early 1990's could become a similar period, but this time focused on white-collar employees.
Virtually all of the plant's 104 white-collar employees came off the shop floor.
He was the architect of a plan that has cut nearly 30,000 white-collar employees.
Answer: Most of this firm's 70,000 seasonal white-collar employees work only four months a year.
About 14,000 white-collar employees are near the top of the nation's business establishment.
Surprisingly, although the number of professional positions have increased over the years in the Government, most white-collar employees still lack a college degree.
The alliance's strongholds appear to be among white-collar and technical employees.
Yet employers were not prepared to give similar support to organisations of white-collar and professional employees.
He said the newspaper would seek savings, including reductions in the number of white-collar employees and managers.
About 100 white-collar employees had been let go during the last two years.