A few white wisps of hair floated gently around his emaciated oriental face.
He'd lost his hair long ago, save for a few white wisps over each ear.
Everywhere else as far as he could see, the sky was a clear blue, with only a few high thin white wisps.
The motor was running, as white wisps of exhaust curled upward in the cold air.
It was a delicate aged Oriental with a white wisp of a beard.
There are white wisps of ancient straw on the floor.
Turabi is a diminutive man with soft hands and a white wisp of a beard.
The Oriental was aged, with white wisps of hair flitting out from his dried yellow skin.
His Caesar cut had been reduced to a few white wisps tickling a deep tan forehead.
The canyon widened below them, and then the search beam picked up white wisps trailing through the air.