Beneath the austere white wimple, so sharp a change from the frame of blue-black hair, Emma's young profile looked even more tender and vulnerable.
The bruises were dark against her white wimple.
For instance, the nuns at school dressed in black habits accentuated with a white wimple.
She wore a good dark gown, matronly and sober, and her hair was drawn back and hidden under a white wimple.
A white wimple was draped under her chin.
He unrolled it upon the trestles, drawing aside the creased white wimple and the strand of creamy mane.
Some wear a white wimple, which "encircles" the face and a veil, the most significant and ancient aspect of the habit.
But their unblinking eyes framed by their white starched wimples make me want to scream, "This is not God's will be done!"
Their black and white wimples have long since given way to demure business suits.
A few strands of nut-brown hair emerged from under a chaste white wimple.