This was because it was considered too close to a white town.
About 15 percent of the village's 2,000 residents are black, the largest black population in the overwhelmingly white town.
The town's native Croat name fully translates as "the white town on the sea".
I remembered it as a little white town with a campanile in a valley.
Growing up in the mostly white, industrial town, Corthron discovered her passion for writing early on.
The view looked out towards the little white and grey town of Forio.
And a mother from a white, working-class Republican town - how could you beat that?
Many people in town, white and black, like the idea of a black police chief, or at least some black officers.
I wondered what sorcery went into the creation of those white towns.
The white town's cops show up at the projects and arrest a man.