She was among the large group of white tourists behind police lines.
And she deals comfortably with white tourists, putting them at ease when they make clumsy comments about slavery.
Here they are: Is kidnapping, robbery or violence to white tourists a problem?
The general set up his own roadblocks to make sure white tourists passing into Transkei were equally inconvenienced.
However, the Americans would be conspicuous in an area visited by only a few white tourists, and might be shot on sight if they were captured.
About two years after starting the mural, tourists started visiting the alley, mainly white tourists.
Some Navajos grumble that the disease must have been brought onto the reservation by white tourists.
Among these, she said, are the caricatures of white tourists and missionaries whom the Pueblo potters first encountered in the early 1900's.
Pedestrians wondered why this man was in the car with two white tourists, one with a face like a skidmark.
The white tourist never gave evidence, but a lot of very frightened Africans saw the boy do it so it was all right.