It also weakened the notion of white superiority, widely accepted in Western society before that.
Even those that were considered progressive intellectuals still believed in notions of white superiority.
This was a result of the feeling of white superiority in early 20th century Cuba.
Don't be distracted by the racist assumptions of white superiority.
It has been described as "a rock in the face of expressions of white superiority".
More often, the Afrikaners here were careful to explain they do not see this as a matter of white superiority.
The report raised serious questions for supremacists about white racial superiority.
The age-old attitude of white superiority and Black inferiority continues to prevail.
Social Darwinism is another concept that justifies the discourse of white superiority.
Those who were once gazed upon have turned the gaze back - on themselves and on notions of white superiority.