He looked ahead, and far away there were other white speckles which would be buildings.
The larvae are green initially, but the last instar is sometimes brown, with diagonal dark stripes and white speckles.
A few tin plates, red with white speckles, some food wrapped in cloth and cord.
"Not to mention all those black an' white speckles."
The antennae are white, black speckles with brown pectinations.
They are dark with white speckles or bands of mottling near the head.
The leaves are green, petiolate, elliptical, sometimes with white speckles on them.
Most are white, but a few are bright yellow with white speckles.
The metal was dull gray and, except for small white speckles of marine growth, entirely unmarked.
These birds are small, with brown and white speckles, yellow eyes, and white eyebrows.