She turned to Kevla, her face a dim white smudge in the darkness.
She saw that Yueh's coat was wrinkled, a white smudge near the left elbow as though he had leaned against chalk.
The glittering lengths of the lagoon lay below them and beyond that a long white smudge that was the reef.
She could just make out the white smudge of his face.
Then in the distance appeared a white smudge.
In the distance, what appeared to be a cloud of smoke was a white smudge against a pale blue sky.
He could see the white smudge of her face, nothing more, yet it seemed that she smiled.
There were white smudges of sneezing powder on the sides of its nose.
Far away now, the heron was a white smudge diminished by distance and the swirling mist.
Halfway up the wall she looked down: The white smudge of Chi's shirt was barely visible in the gloom.