He was dressed in a somber gray suit of old-fashioned cut, the starched white shirtfront enlivened only by a bright red silk bow tie.
Proud of his fine, white shirtfront that dazzles harmoniously against his orange and tangerine tessellations (oh!
My body dressed in formal evening black-a vampire's black, if you will-with stiff white shirtfront and shining black tie at the neck.
Red pumped down his white shirtfront.
The lights around the room dimmed, fading the audience into white shirtfronts, glittering throats and fingers, and mask like faces.
He paused and looked around the tables of white shirtfronts and glittering hands and throats.
The jacket had a two-button roll that revealed a gorgeous acre of white shirtfront.
He started and turned round to look at this clean-shaven man, skin completely unscarred, wearing a fine felt hat with a tie hanging down a white shirtfront.
"Not for a while yet," he said, not looking up from washing his white shirtfront, now mostly pink.
He wore a black topcoat which revealed an immaculate white shirtfront and a solid dark tie.