Among the animals they may see from as close as a few feet away are endangered white rhinoceroses, elephants, Nile crocodiles and Cape buffalo.
This zone includes about 34 species and over 320 animals such as wildebeests, giraffes, white rhinoceroses, zebras etc.
To tourists like me, black and white rhinoceroses look the same, down to their gray or brownish color.
By noon, we had already sighted a dozen white rhinoceroses; Mr. Galli said he counted 96 on one trail walk.
One of the things that people who don't know anything about white rhinoceroses find most interesting about them is their colour.
Hybrids between black and white rhinoceroses have been recognized.
It also has giraffes, zebras, lions, tigers, white rhinoceroses, and baboons.
One result was that from 1992 to 1997, 40 white rhinoceroses in the park were killed.
Poachers raided a special reserve Sunday night and slaughtered at least five white rhinoceroses, the authorities said today.
Most of Africa's white rhinoceroses live in South Africa, where experts estimate the herd at about 3,000 strong.