You are my white queen, the most powerful piece on the board.
The white queen rolled under the table and was not found for several weeks.
Qxd4 Nc6, developing with a gain of tempo due to the attack on the white queen.
From e3, the white queen may later move to g3 where she will pressure Black's g7-square.
For a moment I thought the white queen was trying to keep the black king in check.
Nb6 traps the white queen, but after 15 Rb1, the bishop could not stay there forever.
She had even glued the head back on her white queen.
Since the white queen have disappeared from the mine but no one can tell exactly when she would come again.
"I'm well, thank you," I said to the white queen.
Bxb5+ is check, gaining time for the white queen to escape the black Bg4's attack.