The barges, which measure 350 to 500 feet, will fire 30,000 shells, including some classic fireworks like the blooming white peonies and happy faces.
Once she brought me an armful of pink-tinged white peonies from her garden, a few days after I mentioned that they were my favorite flower.
Everyone in my gene pool has the same white peonies that used to bloom in my parents' yard when I was a kid.
But while these plants flourish, I'm tired of the white peonies and the white hydrangea.
On the wall were framed images of flowers: a bouquet of white peonies and blue irises.
"They call this flower white peony Yes, but A little red."
For another film, one of her most beautiful, she made the figure from white peonies and set it afloat on a raft in an Iowa creek.
Pink and white peonies floated on the water, scented with heady perfume.
Daniel leaned over to sniff at a fat white peony.
Bundles of milky white peonies looked as if they grew from the table itself, deliciously lush but low enough to allow people to talk over them.