This took the form of an open white parachute with black wings on a blue background.
Even as he watched, one of the creatures seemed to explode in a cloud of mist, which resolved itself into tiny white parachutes.
When he did he saw six white parachutes drifting down directly toward his men.
Two parachutes, white as dandelion seeds were floating away on the breeze.
The air was suddenly smooth, the white parachutes floated gently by in front of him.
Two hundred feet above them, Fish floated down under a pure white silken parachute.
"The Air Corps used white parachutes, so I figured he had to be the crew chief."
Lieutenant Kevin Dalton spotted the white parachute in between two clusters of trees almost two miles from the crash site.
A white parachute popped open suddenly in a surprising puff.
The orange and white parachute bloomed as the plane fell away.