The current white owner, however, has refused to sell.
The owners - all white - hang on to his every word, and to their dogs.
But he felt no need to force himself on white owners and fans who had spent most of the century holding him in contempt.
The white owners and employees of a pizza shop came to the black man's aid, perhaps saving his life.
He also controls at least one large farm that had been seized from its white owners.
Facing the realities of a changing neighborhood, the old white owner is moving to Florida.
At the same time the rights of the black people were as tenant farmers restricted to white owners.
The white owner of an art gallery must learn how to be an asset, not a threat.
Many felt the station's series of white owners didn't care about broadcasting with community concerns in mind.
After all, in the old days, many white owners' children grew up with slaves as friends, until they were trained to consider them differently.