The film was considered offensive to colonial authorities because of the Africans' blatant attempts to mimic and mock the "white oppressors".
Because most black farmers never escaped the grasp of white oppressors.
I have seen countries where you substitute a white oppressor with a black one.
Legend has it that Mtjoetijies was a translator, for Nongoloza who refused to speak the language of the white oppressor.
We give de white oppressor a moral .
It showed black revolutionaries killing white oppressors like priests and nuns.
Black people had been systematically denied knowledge of their true history by their white oppressors.
Do not let the white oppressor into our sacred councils of war," cried Burning Star.
Through an act of defiance that included appearing lazy and stupid, the "white oppressor" was undermined.
"A brave young girl helping revolution against white imperialist oppressors," said Chiun sweetly.