The blasphemous adjective went oddly with her saintly, ascetic appearance, barefooted in the rough white nightie.
In that case, it would have fully covered the white nightie that had shown enough of itself to make Margo mistake her own reflection for a ghost.
Mr. Gaddy, a deliverer for the United Parcel Service, stooped to kiss the elf in her white nightie, then resumed his struggle to make the camera work.
She wore a white sheer nightie.
She had on a skimpy white hip-length nightie.
She had brought her white nightie, with the minute roses embroidered around the neck, and her rose water which she used to cleanse her face.
Bella, in a sleeveless white nightie covered with little blue sailboats, huddled on the bench opposite her mother.
Her eyes were very blue against her brown skin, which in turn looked smooth and warm against the pale hair and white nightie.
I noticed you too, flitting around in that white nightie of yours.
All wore long white nighties with the Misery logo-- pine tree, moon, and duck rampant--as if they were players on a team.