The fight distressed some white moderates who support change.
The divisiveness at Anglo is symptomatic of the wider crisis facing white moderates.
Republicans can appeal to white moderates by signaling a measure of compassion about problems of race.
King also expresses his frustration with white moderates and clergymen too timid to oppose an unjust system:
But Republicans seemed to carry white moderates, according to early Democratic analyses, and turned out unexpectedly high numbers of white conservatives.
Because they believed Connor's extreme conservatism slowed progress for the city as a whole, a group of white political moderates worked to defeat him.
Whoever wins will probably assemble a coalition of white moderates and blacks, Bill Clinton's recipe for success in the state and region.
The three were chosen to attract the widest range of support from white moderates.
But his more significant achievement was to run roughly equally with Mr. Gore among white moderates, a much larger share of the Southern electorate.
In any event, Mr. Gaston's wealth and quiet approach made him a liaison between white moderates and civil rights demonstrators.