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Several white ministers held a press conference to express their dismay at the way the case had been handled.
At the dedication in March of that year, both black and white ministers participated.
It is a serious matter, attacking a white person, let alone a white minister.
A white minister and a black minister took turns preaching in each another's churches.
Generally whites in the South required that black churches be under the supervision of white ministers and associations.
A white minister, who was head of a girls' school, boarded the train with a party of pupils and staff.
"It's the best opportunity for the white ministers and the white leaders to demonstrate their real concern."
But it's not white ministers who are being struck.
"If you had a white, Christian, fundamentalist minister, I don't think he would have been excluded."
One white minister decided that the Indians should have their own church so the whites wouldn't have to mingle with them.