Picking wild berries and making jelly at night, when the white kitchen was cool with a breeze, the windows up.
Just go for a timeless, white kitchen with painted cabinets that is going to look great in 10 years when fashion has moved on.
One of the more interesting and subtle war zones is the middle-class white kitchen.
We have the whitest kitchens and the most shining bathrooms in the world.
Ms. Bryer has prepared it in the apartment's spacious white kitchen.
Trixie found Honey in the bright red and white kitchen.
Hung over the window were yards of blue and white French kitchen toweling made into curtains.
"I wanted a modern kitchen - a black and white kitchen - where food was the center of the stage."
She went into the white kitchen and scrubbed drying blood from her face and hands.
"Everything is brand new," she says, showing off a pristine white kitchen.