She sometimes wears a white kimono, but other legends describe her as nude, with only her face and hair standing out against the snow.
Ms. Hino wore an elegant white kimono as she picked up a set of fans from the floor and draped them around her body.
It was like walking down through a misty valley and seeing a white kimono far behind but gaining.
In the middle sat Ishigami in a white kimono at a low table of lacquered black.
He noted the white kimono, which suggested a sense of ceremony and dedication to a task.
It makes me think of a white kimono edged in red.
In training for initiation, itako dress in a white kimono 100 days before the ceremony.
A dark-haired girl in a white kimono is at an old, chipped grand piano.
The priests may be assisted by miko, young unmarried women dressed in white kimono.
Both women wore the simple white kimonos that new con- verts were given during their initial induction.