The corn - yellow and white kernels - was steamed briefly and served unadorned.
The New York City inventor expands on the traditional popcorn ball, made by molding the fluffy white kernels together with sticky syrup.
They were red and black, small, pointed at the ends-not the large flat kernels, yellow or white, that he had expected to see.
F. Perla (Pearl) Mostly short cycle plant with white and round kernels.
I could sense an emptiness there, no aura at all, except for a faint white kernel deep within.
I think there must have been hundreds of the small white kernels in those that I examined.
She explained to me that humbugs are long, bright-yellow candies with a white kernel inside them and blackguards are similar candies in a square shape.
Butter & Sugar, harvest at 78 days, produces white and yellow kernels.
The windows would all be blown in, and white kernels would be underfoot everywhere.
On exposure to air, the white kernel turns violet, then dark grey, and ultimately brown, or black.