In the salt marsh aviary, ducks, a great blue heron and a white ibis are feet away.
An average of about 8000 white ibis visit the sanctuary every year.
Flocks of white ibis intently pick bugs from the lawns of gated communities.
It was acquired in 2009 and includes habitat for bird species, including the white ibis and snowy egret.
A white ibis stalked among the stems.
The white ibis raised their ebony heads.
It is named for the white ibis, locally called Coco (coconut) birds.
Back from the beach, flocks of white ibis perched in green copses scattered over the dunes.
The species included white ibis, Asian openbill stork and night heron.
Rare birds in residence include the great blueish and purpleish gray heron and the white ibis.