In a vain attempt to hide his crimes, Zeus turned himself into a white cloud and transformed Io into a beautiful white heifer.
Hera's last task for Argus was to guard a white heifer from Zeus.
The presiding Roman consul offered a libation of milk, and conducted the sacrifice of a pure white heifer that had never been yoked.
Some augurs preferred to take the largest beast first, some to begin with a general sacrifice to the entire Nine; that would be the white heifer in either case today.
She had waddled ahead of him, perhaps because she did not want to meet his eyes; now she stopped to admire the white heifer.
The white heifer, lying beneath the dying fig tree, moved to a more comfortable position and began to chew her cud.
One account from a newspaper article in the 1920s says a divine white heifer guided the men through the forest to the site that would become the village of St. Nazianz.
A young white heifer.
Zeus lusts after Io and eventually turns her into a white heifer to hide her from his jealous wife, Hera.
I'll get the victims in the morning, a white heifer if I can find one, and a rabbit for Kypris-several, I ought to say.