A white hearse carrying his body left the city about 9:30 p.m., accompanied by the Rev. Al Sharpton, a longtime friend who considered Mr. Brown a father figure.
He staggered slightly, causing Melony to marvel at her power; then he turned the corner and felt himself uplifted by the gleaming Cadillac-by what he mistook for the white hearse.
If the stationmaster at St. Cloud's (formerly, the stationmaster's assistant) had ever seen them passing, he would have thought again that they were driving a white hearse.
Today, the tempo was stately, like the long procession of cars that followed the white hearse from the church to the Provo cemetery.
The wait continued through a gray morning broken by occasional muted sunshine, until the white horse-drawn hearse carrying Mr. Brown arrived.
She hurried across the neatly clipped grass toward the gravel lane where her car was parked in a line of others behind the white hearse and the limousine.
Christopher left his old neighborhood in a white hearse this afternoon, and he was taken to Houston National Cemetery.
When Mr. Hernandez's coffin was taken from the funeral home to a white hearse, thousands of people surged forward chanting "Junior!
The coffin was carried from the church to a white hearse, and the funeral procession left for Ascension Cemetery in the town of Lake Forest, 50 miles to the south.
Nicole Simpson's light wood casket covered with a spray of white roses was taken to the church in a white hearse.