There are also the handsome white ox-eye daisies of the fields.
He also planted 4,000 white daisies dyed blue so they would photograph better.
Fields of white and gold daisies stretch endlessly, perfuming the air.
In the third phase of the simulation, the sun's rays have grown so powerful that soon even the white daisies can no longer survive.
Eventually, the sun's rays decrease in power to a more comfortable level which allows white daisies to grow, who begin cooling the planet.
The surrounding fields were green and sprinkled with patches of white daisies.
If liked, white and yellow daisies can be piped on to the grass.
The ones that look like white daisies are feverfew.
The red sentinels towered over white daisies in the field.
The brunette's hair fell like a curtain around a navy blue dress with tiny white daisies all over it.