Beyond, the Thaumaturge Ocean, soft dark blue, extended to the horizon, where floated pin- nacles of white cumulus.
Eastward, beyond Max's home, the twin forests came together and rose upward, vanishing into a thick layer of white cumulus.
He felt calmer now, his eyes staring at the white cumulus momentarily blocking the sun, dotting the blue skies over Silicon Valley.
Above the trees to his right, the green spire of the Hall of Justice soared into the sky, shimmering in the light, highlighted against one of the few scattered white cumulus clouds.
The rain clouds from yesterday had cleared, leaving a pale blue sky, broken by white cumulus.
It was high blue and the clouds white cumulus and he welcomed his father's presence at the bar until he glanced in the mirror and saw he was alone.
The cloud seemed gravid and somehow more solid than the fluffy white cumulus around it.
Deeside was enjoying an Indian summer of mild, windless days and skies piled with white cumulus.
Viewed from meditation balconies, the peaks floated like islands on a sea of white cumulus.
On the horizon white cumulus was benning to ma- into tall thunderheads.