In the polar regions many species, such as this ptarmigan, have developed a pure white covering.
They looked pristine, with softened blueberries sunk beneath a fluffy, pure white covering of coconut.
The black covering of the case stripped away to reveal the white covering of the case inside.
Tunica albuginea is an anatomy term that literally means "white covering."
A white covering of either mold or flour helps prevent the photo-oxidation of the meat and rancidity in the fat.
He would forage for warm clothing for everyone-Elissa and the others were all naked except for the filmy white covering.
The mesh inside of the N-filter was replaced with a white covering.
Renaile strode up with the Bowl in her arms, once more swathed in its white covering.
Just let a foot-- human or animal--break through its fluffy white covering, and it became a slick, springy trap for the unwary.
In the press of people to the rails he could no longer see more than the young man's grey hat, and the black-and- white covering of his daughter's head.